[Cal Solache]

Blog sobre el trabajo en red
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Alvaro vive actualmente en Leon.
Trabaja en varios proyectos siendo teamtowers y comunitats.org a los que más tiempo dedica.
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Mi Diario

martes, enero 25, 2005


Tags, compulsion por compartir, categoriazar y el ego (ahamkara).

Conclusiones de un análisis de del.icio.us nos indica que la Taxonomía de mayor interés entre la Blogosfera de este servicio estructura la información de los links que van recogiendo a través de los siguientes tipos de etiquetas

Las más:

“software, design, programming, music, politics, web, news, blog, css, linux, art, osx, java, mac, blogs, reference, fun, python, games, tech, photography, humor, tools, delicious, rss, firefox, toread, comics
(November 14, 2004)

-primarily subject descriptor keywords at various levels of specificity.
-Some are best described as genre or form descriptors, like “comics, humor, fun, photography.
-Tag apparently used for self-?organization and reminder (torad)

Sobre los Tags de Flickr se comenta lo siguiente;

The 150 most popular tags on Flickr are tabulated and listed on the site. As of November 19, 2004, this list included much of what one might expect as common subjects of photos: cat, friends, dog sky, sea, park, kids, garden, baby, building, flower, flowers signs, sculpture, city, vacation. Over 25% (41 out of 150) of the tags were proper place names like cities or countries. Colors were listed: yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, white, red. Years were also popular as tags, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 were present amongst the most popular.


Two tags of particular interest are “cute,” and “me.” This will be elaborated upon later, but I think these two terms reflect the dual nature of these systems: the compulsion to share - what is the Internet if not a venue for sharing cute photographs? - and conversely the importance of individuality and ego for these systems to work.

Prima la Categorización sobre la Clasificación:

Overall, although the term “classification” is often used in relation to these systems, and has been used in this paper, what is going on is more like “categorization.” Categorization is generally less rigorous and boundaries are less clear. It is based more on a synthesis of similarity than a systematic arrangement of materials (Jacob 2004). Most importantly, each document can have many terms associated with it. By contrast, classification schemes generally focus on providing a single classification to an item, and are very hierarchical and have clear relations. In a folksonomy the set of terms is a flat namespace: there are no clearly defined relations between the terms in the vocabulary.

Pero claro , la clasificación si que está, está en nosotros, en nuestros Roadmaps.

Y la Traca final en una diferencia conceptual a la hora de buscar:

Browsing vs. Finding

There is a fundamental difference in the activities of browsing to find interesting content, as opposed to direct searching to find relevant documents in a query. It is similar to the difference between exploring a problem space to formulate questions, as opposed to actually looking for answers to specifically formulated questions

¿Seremos capaces de ordenar las cosas en nuestra mente?

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